Cornus circinata, commonly known as Round-leaved Dogwood, is a valuable remedy in homeopathy.

This plant has been recognized for its therapeutic potential, particularly in chronic conditions such as malaria and liver diseases.

Its multifaceted effects make it an essential part of the homeopathic pharmacopoeia, especially for patients with associated gastrointestinal and dermatological issues.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Clade: Angiosperms
  • Clade: Eudicots
  • Order: Cornales
  • Family: Cornaceae
  • Genus: Cornus
  • Species: Cornus circinata
  • Cornus circinata is a native shrub found primarily in North America, thriving in moist, wooded areas.
  • The plant is characterized by its distinctive rounded leaves and clusters of small, white flowers, which later give way to dark blue berries.
Historical Facts
  • Traditional Use: Indigenous peoples utilized various parts of the Cornus species for their medicinal properties.
  • Cornus circinata has been employed traditionally to treat fevers and gastrointestinal disturbances.
  • Homeopathic Adoption: As homeopathy developed in the 19th century, practitioners recognized the potential of Cornus circinata in treating chronic malaria, liver issues, and related symptoms.


The pathogenesis of Cornus circinata highlights its efficacy in treating chronic illnesses, particularly those affecting the liver and digestive system. Key symptoms include:

  • Chronic Malaria: The remedy is indicated for chronic cases of malaria, presenting with persistent symptoms and general debility.
  • Hepatitis and Jaundice: It effectively addresses symptoms associated with liver dysfunction, including jaundice and pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Patients often report loose, dark stools and burning sensations in the anus, indicating significant gastrointestinal involvement.


  • Cornus circinata is particularly suited for individuals with a diathesis of chronic disease, often presenting with weakness, fatigue, and digestive disturbances.


  • It is beneficial for those who are easily fatigued, often feeling worse in the morning.


  • Chronic Malaria: Effective in cases with lingering symptoms, including weakness and abdominal discomfort.
  • Liver Involvement: Symptoms of jaundice and hepatitis highlight its role in liver health.
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Characterized by loose, dark, and offensive stools, with associated burning sensations.



  • Ulceration: Patients may experience painful ulcers in the tongue, gums, and mouth (aphthae), leading to significant discomfort and burning sensations.
  • Burning Sensation: This symptom extends to the throat and stomach, indicating inflammation and irritation.


  • Loose and Dark: The stool is characterized as loose, windy, and dark, particularly following meals, which indicates poor digestion and liver dysfunction.
  • Burning in Anus: Patients may experience burning sensations in the anus, exacerbated by the nature of the stool.


  • Vesicular Eczema: Notably in infants, this remedy addresses vesicular eczema of the face, often associated with nursing sore mouths, indicating a connection between skin and oral health.


  • Worse: Symptoms often worsen in the morning, indicating a diurnal rhythm in the manifestation of discomfort.
  • Better: Patients may find temporary relief through certain environmental adjustments, such as cooler surroundings or rest.


  • Symptoms: Patients often feel weak and tired. They experience disturbed sleep, restlessness, and fever.
  • The skin may appear cracked, and there is a notable sensation of coldness in the chest, akin to being full of ice.
  • Applications: This remedy is useful in cases of exhaustion associated with skin conditions like eczema and can help alleviate fatigue and disturbances in sleep patterns.

Clinical Presentation

  • Weakness: Patients may report general fatigue, especially after exertion.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Difficulty falling or staying asleep due to restlessness.
  • Skin Issues: Cracked skin, particularly in dry climates or due to cold exposure, points to a deficiency in moisture and resilience.
  • Cold Sensation: A subjective feeling of coldness in the chest, which may indicate internal chill and compromised vitality.

Usage: Cornus alternifolia is particularly valuable for patients exhibiting these symptoms, especially when there is a clear connection to seasonal changes or prolonged exposure to cold environments.

  • Symptoms: Primarily indicated for chronic malaria, this remedy is effective for individuals suffering from indigestion and distressing acid heartburn.
  • Patients often experience general debility due to loss of fluids, night sweats, and neuralgic pains in various parts of the body.
  • Clinical Manifestation: Sensations of being “broken in two,” and intermittent fever accompanied by drowsiness.
  • Patients feel cold to the touch but may experience an internal sensation of warmth.

Clinical Presentation

  • Chronic Malaria: This remedy is especially effective in managing the lingering effects of malaria, characterized by fatigue and gastrointestinal distress.
  • Debility and Night Sweats: The overall condition may lead to significant fluid loss and dehydration, exacerbating fatigue and weakness.
  • Neuralgic Pains: These can affect various regions, including the arms, chest, and trunk, often described as shooting or piercing pains.
  • Headache After Quinine: A specific symptom indicating a headache following the administration of quinine, which may signal a response to anti-malarial treatment.

Usage: Cornus florida serves patients with chronic conditions that demonstrate these key symptoms, particularly in cases of malaria where digestive and systemic complaints are prominent.


  • Potency: The typical dosage of Cornus circinata ranges from tincture to the sixth attenuation, depending on the severity of symptoms and the practitioner’s discretion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What conditions can Cornus circinata help with?

  • This remedy is particularly useful for chronic malaria, liver issues such as hepatitis and jaundice, as well as gastrointestinal disturbances.

How does Cornus circinata work?

  • It acts primarily on the liver and digestive system while also addressing associated symptoms of chronic illness, such as weakness and skin issues.

Is it safe to use Cornus circinata?

  • Yes, when used as directed in homeopathic practice.
  • Consultation with a qualified homeopathic practitioner is recommended for appropriate guidance.

How should Cornus circinata be taken?

  • It is typically administered in tincture or potencies up to the sixth attenuation, adjusted based on symptom severity.

Can Cornus circinata be used in children?

  • Yes, particularly for treating conditions like eczema and oral ulcers in infants, but dosages should be carefully adjusted for age and health status.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Diathesis: A predisposition to a particular disease or disorder.
  • Aphthae: Painful, ulcerative lesions that can occur in the mouth or on mucous membranes.
  • Eczema: A condition that causes the skin to become inflamed or irritated.
  • Jaundice: A condition characterized by yellowing of the skin and eyes due to elevated bilirubin levels, often related to liver dysfunction.
  • Vesicular: Relating to vesicles or small fluid-filled sacs in the body, often indicating inflammation.

This comprehensive overview of Cornus circinata offers an in-depth examination of its classification, pathogenesis, clinical applications, and relationships with other remedies, serving as a valuable resource for practitioners and patients alike.