Cedron, also known as the Rattlesnake Bean (Simaruba ferroginea), is a homeopathic remedy known for its ability to treat conditions involving periodicity, such as malarial fevers and neuralgia.

It is particularly useful for individuals living in tropical, warm, and marshy environments, where insect bites, snake bites, and malarial afflictions are common.

Historically, Cedron was recognized for its ability to neutralize snake venom and stings when applied directly to wounds.

This remedy is also suited to excitable, nervous, and passionate individuals.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Clade: Angiosperms
  • Order: Sapindales
  • Family: Simaroubaceae
  • Genus: Simaruba
  • Species: Simaruba ferroginea
  • The plant Simaruba ferroginea, from which Cedron is derived, is native to South and Central America, particularly tropical regions such as Colombia, Panama, and Brazil.
  • It has long been used by indigenous people to treat venomous bites, fevers, and pain.
  • In homeopathy, Cedron was introduced as a remedy with specific periodicity, meaning that its symptoms recur at regular intervals, much like those seen in malarial fevers.


  • Cedron acts primarily on the nervous system and is most effective for conditions with marked periodicity—symptoms that recur at the same time each day.
  • It has a specific action on neuralgia (nerve pain) and malarial fevers, and it is particularly effective for treating pain that radiates across the eyes, face, and head.
  • The remedy is also useful for treating certain types of inflammation, like iritis and choroiditis (eye conditions), as well as joint pain.


  • Individuals who benefit from Cedron are often physically weak or debilitated, especially after malarial infections or venomous bites.
  • They tend to experience numbness and neuralgic pains.


  • Suited to individuals with a nervous or excitable constitution, who are prone to neuralgic afflictions and periodic conditions like malaria.


  • The remedy is well-suited for people with excitable, nervous temperaments, and those who are prone to passionate outbursts or emotional extremes.
  • They may be hypersensitive to their environment, especially to changes in temperature or humidity.


  • Periodicity: The hallmark of Cedron is its action on conditions with recurring symptoms, such as neuralgia and malarial fevers.
  • Symptoms appear at the same time each day or at regular intervals.
  • Nervous System: Acts on the nervous system, especially in cases of neuralgia, where sharp, shooting pains radiate across the head and face.
  • Malarial Fevers: Particularly effective for fevers with periodic chilliness, followed by heat and pain, especially in tropical regions.
  • Snake and Insect Bites: Historically used to neutralize venom and stings, Cedron can be applied directly to wounds caused by snake bites or insect stings.



  • Pain from Temple to Temple Across the Eyes: This symptom indicates a band-like headache that wraps around the forehead, often described as a tension headache.
  • It may be associated with stress or overexertion.
  • Pain Over the Whole Right Side of the Face: This unilateral pain that occurs around 9 AM can suggest a neuralgic condition, potentially linked to the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sensation in the face.
  • “Crazy Feeling” from Pain Across Forehead: This subjective description may imply a sense of disorientation or mental confusion, which can accompany severe headaches.
  • Worse When Working in Dark Conditions: Pain can worsen in dim light, indicating a sensitivity to light (photophobia) that can accompany headaches, especially migraines.
  • Roaring in Ears: The ringing or roaring sensation in the ears may indicate an underlying vestibular issue or be related to the headache, often exacerbated by conditions like Cinchona (another remedy known for treating malaria).
  • Whole Body Seems Numb with Headache: General numbness throughout the body during headaches can suggest a systemic reaction to pain, possibly indicating nerve involvement or a severe migraine with aura.


  • Shooting Pain Over Left Eye: This pain may indicate ocular neuralgia or a migraine aura affecting the eye, causing sharp, stabbing sensations that can radiate from the eye.
  • Severe Pain in Eyeball with Radiating Pains: This symptom suggests inflammation or irritation in the eye, possibly due to conditions like iritis or conjunctivitis, where pain can radiate to surrounding areas.
  • Scalding Lachrymation: Scalding tears can result from severe irritation or inflammation, indicating a hypersensitive response of the tear ducts.
  • Periodic Supra-orbital Neuralgia: A recurring pain located above the eye, often exacerbated by stress, fatigue, or sinus pressure.
  • Iritis and Choroiditis: Both are inflammatory conditions affecting different layers of the eye. Iritis affects the iris, while choroiditis affects the layer beneath the retina, causing significant pain, redness, and visual disturbances.


  • Lancinating Pain in Joints, Worse in Feet and Hands: Sharp, stabbing pain in joints, especially in the extremities, suggests conditions like arthritis or neuralgia that can be exacerbated by movement or cold weather.
  • Sudden Pain in Ball of Right Thumb, Extending Up Arm to Shoulder: This radiating pain might indicate nerve involvement or repetitive strain injury affecting the wrist or hand, resulting in referred pain.
  • Pain in Ball of Right Foot, Extending to Knee: This could point to conditions such as plantar fasciitis or other inflammatory processes affecting the foot and radiating upward.
  • Shingles with Radiating Pain: The presence of shingles (herpes zoster) indicates prior varicella infection, with the pain being a result of nerve involvement, causing intense, localized pain in specific dermatomes.
  • Dropsy of Knee-Joint: Swelling or effusion in the knee joint, possibly indicating arthritis or infection that leads to accumulation of fluid.


  • Chilliness Towards Evening: This symptom may suggest the onset of a febrile illness, common in malarial infections, where patients experience chills followed by a fever.
  • Frontal Headache Extending into Parietal Region: Headaches that progress from the forehead to the top of the head indicate possible tension or increased intracranial pressure.
  • Red Eyes: This can be a sign of irritation or inflammation, possibly related to allergic reactions or infections like conjunctivitis.
  • Heat with Itching of Eyes: Sensation of heat along with itching can indicate an allergic response, which might accompany other symptoms such as nasal congestion.
  • Tearing in Limbs and Numbness: Sensations of tearing and numbness in the limbs suggest neurological involvement or systemic reactions to pain or fever.


  • Worse: Symptoms are aggravated by working in darkness, exposure to cold, and during evening hours.
  • Better: Symptoms improve with warmth and rest.



  • Arsenicum album (Ars): For periodic fevers and weakness after malarial conditions.
  • China (Cinchona): For fevers with ringing in the ears and periodicity.


  • Lachesis (Lach) serves as an antidote for adverse effects of Cedron.


  • Tincture to third attenuation is recommended for conditions involving neuralgia, periodic fevers, and pain.
  • Snake and Insect Bites: Apply tincture of pure bean directly to the wound, if bitten by a snake or stung by an insect.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the primary use of Cedron in homeopathy?

  • Cedron is mainly used for conditions involving periodicity, such as malarial fevers and neuralgia, where symptoms recur at regular intervals.

Can Cedron help with insect bites and stings?

  • Yes, Cedron is historically known for its ability to neutralize venom from snake bites and stings when applied directly to the wound.

How does Cedron help with malarial fevers?

  • Cedron treats malarial fevers by addressing the periodicity of symptoms, such as chilliness, headache, and fever, which occur at regular intervals.

Can it be used for headaches?

  • Yes, Cedron is effective for treating neuralgic headaches, especially those that involve sharp pains radiating across the eyes and forehead, with periodic recurrence.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Neuralgia: Sharp, shooting pain along a damaged or irritated nerve.
  • Iritis: Inflammation of the iris in the eye.
  • Choroiditis: Inflammation of the choroid, the layer of blood vessels between the retina and the sclera.
  • Periodicity: A pattern in which symptoms recur at regular intervals.
  • Malarial Fevers: Fevers caused by the malaria parasite, characterized by cycles of chills, fever, and sweating.
  • Attenuation: A process in homeopathy where the potency of a remedy is increased through dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking).

Cedron is a highly specialized homeopathic remedy that addresses periodic conditions such as malarial fevers and neuralgic pains, as well as venomous bites.

Its effectiveness in tropical regions, where these conditions are prevalent, makes it an important remedy for travelers or residents in such climates.