Cicuta Virosa, commonly known as Water Hemlock, is one of the most poisonous plants and has a significant impact on the nervous system.

In homeopathy, it is primarily used for treating convulsions and spasmodic afflictions, especially those characterized by violent distortions of the body, such as bending of the head, neck, and spine backward.

The mental state of the patient often includes violent desires, irrational behavior, and confusion.

Cicuta Virosa is indicated in conditions like epilepsy, tetanus, and spasmodic ailments that are accompanied by strange desires, moaning, and howling.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Apiales
  • Family: Apiaceae
  • Genus: Cicuta
  • Species: Cicuta virosa
  • Cicuta Virosa is native to Europe and North America, where it grows in marshy areas and near bodies of water.
  • Historically, it has been recognized for its deadly toxic properties when ingested, with water hemlock being one of the most poisonous plants in North America.
Historical Facts
  • In the 18th and 19th centuries, Cicuta Virosa was known primarily for its role in accidental poisonings due to its striking similarity to edible plants.
  • It was introduced into homeopathy by Samuel Hahnemann, who explored its effects in minimal doses for nervous and convulsive disorders.


  • Cicuta Virosa targets the nervous system, producing intense convulsions and spasmodic conditions.
  • Its action can be seen in cases of epilepsy, tetanus, and hysteria.
  • The remedy is most effective when the convulsions are violent and accompanied by abnormal behaviors such as singing, dancing, or irrational desires.


  • Patients needing Cicuta Virosa are often those prone to nervous and muscular spasms, with a sensitive and weak constitution that is susceptible to shock, injury, or emotional distress.


  • Cicuta Virosa is suited for individuals with a predisposition to nervous system disturbances, particularly where spasms and convulsions are recurrent or have a traumatic origin.


  • This remedy works well for those with violent, erratic temperaments.
  • Patients may experience sudden mood changes, from extreme sadness or melancholy to irritability and irrational excitement.


  • Chilliness and Cold Sensation: Patients who need Cicuta Virosa often have a sensation of internal chill.
  • They may experience a cold sweat during convulsive episodes, and the skin may feel cold to the touch, particularly during nervous or epileptic fits.
  • General Sensation of Cold: There’s a pronounced tendency towards feeling cold, especially during nervous system afflictions or when the body is spasmodically bent or convulsing.
  • The internal chill is a key feature, despite external conditions.


Cicuta Virosa is primarily associated with the sycotic miasm.

This miasm is linked with growths, nervous system disturbances, and abnormal conditions that are progressive, deeply rooted, and often involve physical or mental distortions.

  • Sycotic Miasm: This miasm is characterized by chronic conditions that affect the nervous system.
  • In the case of Cicuta Virosa, there are abnormal neurological functions, including spasms, convulsions, and behavioral disturbances.
  • The progression of the disease and the tendency for recurrent or chronic afflictions, such as epilepsy or convulsive disorders, point toward a sycotic origin.
  • Neurological Degeneration: The deeper, chronic neurological involvement reflects a state of degeneration and recurring pathology typical of the sycotic miasm, where the body and mind are continuously fighting an ingrained and persistent disorder.


  • Spasms and convulsions, particularly where the body bends backward.
  • Violent, erratic behavior, with moaning, howling, and irrational actions.
  • Head, neck, and spine are often contracted and distorted.
  • Mental confusion, with a fear of insanity or delusions.
  • Tendency to perform absurd or inappropriate actions.


The psychological state of a person needing Cicuta Virosa is marked by confusion, irrational behavior, and a distorted perception of reality. The individual may exhibit the following traits:

  • Delirium with Erratic Behavior: The person may engage in bizarre, irrational actions such as singing, dancing, or making funny gestures inappropriately.
  • Their mind appears disconnected from their environment, leading to behavior that is out of sync with reality.
  • Distorted Perception of Reality: Everything around them feels strange and terrifying.
  • They may confuse the present with the past, creating a sense of disorientation.
  • This confusion can lead them to feel childlike, as if they’ve regressed mentally and emotionally.
  • Mental Dullness: There is a general stupor or feeling of stupidity.
  • This dullness of the mind may cause a lack of interest in surroundings and apathy toward things that would normally invoke emotion or interest.
  • They may seem melancholic and indifferent to what’s happening around them.
  • Suspicious and Mistrustful: There’s a marked mistrustfulness, where the patient may become suspicious of others without reason, believing that people or situations pose a threat.
  • Epileptic Symptoms: In more severe cases, the psychological disturbances are accompanied by moaning, whining, and convulsive states.
  • These can be associated with epileptic tendencies or episodes, including vivid and often terrifying dreams.
  • Dream State: The person may experience vivid and disturbing dreams, reflecting the disordered state of their mind.
  • These dreams may be a result of their confused mental state or part of the overall neurological symptoms.



  • Head turned or twisted to one side: This indicates spasmodic affections of the neck muscles, often seen in severe neurological conditions.
  • Cerebro-spinal meningitis: Cicuta Virosa can be useful in cases of this serious inflammation of the membranes around the brain and spinal cord, especially when accompanied by muscular rigidity and spasms.
  • Cervical muscles contracted: Stiffness and contraction of the neck muscles, causing the head to twist involuntarily.
  • Vertigo with gastralgia and muscular spasms: Dizziness associated with stomach pain and muscular spasms, reflecting the nervous system involvement.
  • Sudden, violent shocks through head: Patients may feel as though electrical shocks are running through their head, indicating nervous system hyperactivity.
  • Stares persistently at objects: This could point to a neurological disturbance, where the patient is in a fixed, almost catatonic state.
  • Convulsions from concussion of brain: After a head injury or concussion, Cicuta Virosa is indicated if the patient suffers from convulsions and spasms.
  • Thick, yellow scabs on head: These scabs indicate a severe skin condition, which may also extend to neurological symptoms.
  • Head symptoms relieved by emission of flatus: The unusual relief of head pain or spasms upon passing gas may indicate a close nervous connection between the digestive and nervous systems in the patient.


  • When reading, letters disappear: A neurological or muscular condition affecting the eyes, where the letters seem to fade, indicating nervous system impairment.
  • Pupils dilated, insensible strabismus: The pupils are unresponsive and dilated, accompanied by strabismus (crossed eyes), indicating a significant neurological disturbance.
  • Objects recede, approach, and seem double: Double vision and a distorted perception of distance are signs of a neurological problem affecting the visual cortex or eye muscles.
  • Eyes stare: Fixed, unblinking gaze, often seen in spasmodic conditions or during convulsions.
  • Pupils get behind upper lids as head inclines: This suggests spasmodic upward rolling of the eyes, often seen in seizure disorders.
  • Effects of exposure to snow: Snow glare can cause visual disturbances, especially in sensitive individuals.
  • Spasmodic affections of eyes and its appendages: This indicates a spasm affecting the muscles around the eyes, often resulting in strabismus or twitching.
  • Strabismus; periodic, spasmodic after a fall or a blow: Misalignment of the eyes occurring after head trauma, indicating a spasm in the ocular muscles that may be periodic in nature.


  • Thirst; burning pressure: A sensation of intense thirst along with a burning or pressing feeling in the stomach is common, reflecting irritation or inflammation.
  • Hiccough: Persistent hiccups are indicative of spasmodic conditions affecting the diaphragm or upper digestive tract.
  • Throbbing in pit of stomach: A rhythmic pulsation in the pit of the stomach, often noticeable externally, indicating deep-seated irritation or tension in the abdominal organs.
  • Throbbing raised to size of fist: This unusual swelling or sensation in the upper abdomen suggests severe internal spasms or congestion.
  • Desire for unnatural things (like coal): This symptom, known as pica, is a craving for non-food substances, often seen in nervous or metabolic disorders.
  • Other remedies like Alumina and Calcarea also cover this symptom.
  • Indigestion with insensibility: Digestive issues that result in a sense of dullness or numbness, indicating the nervous system is involved in the digestive complaints.
  • Frothing at the mouth: Often seen in seizure conditions or severe digestive spasms, this symptom points to a convulsive nature.


  • Flatulence with anxiety and crossness: Accumulation of gas in the abdomen causes not only physical discomfort but also emotional irritability and anxiety, showing a link between digestive and emotional disturbances.
  • Rumbling in abdomen: Loud, gurgling sounds in the abdomen from trapped gas or hyperactive intestinal movement, indicating digestive unrest.
  • Distended and painful: The abdomen feels bloated and sensitive to touch, a common symptom in colic or gastrointestinal irritation.
  • Colic with convulsions: Severe cramping in the abdomen, accompanied by spasms or convulsions, reflects the neuro-digestive sensitivity of the patient.


  • Diarrhea in the morning with irresistible desire to urinate: The urge to evacuate the bowels is coupled with a strong need to urinate, particularly in the morning, indicating increased nervous system activity in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.
  • Itching in rectum: Persistent itching, suggesting irritation or a skin condition in the rectal area, which can be connected to nervous system hypersensitivity or intestinal issues.


  • Sudden, explosive sounds when swallowing.
  • Bleeding from the ears during severe convulsions.


  • Thick, yellow crusts on the face, especially around the mouth and chin.
  • Red, inflamed face during convulsive episodes.


  • Dryness, with a sensation that the throat is closing.
  • Difficulty swallowing, especially after consuming sharp or hard substances.


  • Tightness in the chest, making breathing difficult.
  • Convulsive spasms in the chest muscles, with a sensation of suffocation.


  • Spasms and cramps in muscles of nape of neck: The muscles at the back of the neck are prone to violent spasms, often pulling the head backward in a rigid position.
  • These muscle contractions are characteristic of Cicuta virosa, especially in neurological conditions like convulsions.
  • Spasmodic drawing backward of head: The head is forcibly pulled back due to muscle spasms, a key symptom in tetanus and other severe neurological disorders.
  • Curved limbs cannot be straightened nor straight ones bent: This reflects a loss of muscle control where the limbs are locked in unnatural positions due to tonic spasms or rigidity, a hallmark of advanced spastic conditions or tetanus-like symptoms.
  • Back bent backward like an arch: The entire back arches in a severe spasm, resembling the posture seen in opisthotonos, a condition related to tetanus or severe convulsive disorders.
  • Jerking, tearing in coccyx, especially during menses: Sharp, sudden pains in the tailbone, often aggravated during menstruation, indicate heightened nervous and muscular sensitivity during hormonal changes.


  • Eczema with no itching: A non-itchy skin condition, where an exudate (fluid) forms and dries into a hard crust, usually yellow in colour.
  • This indicates deeper skin afflictions linked to nerve disorders rather than superficial irritants.
  • Exudation forms into a hard, lemon-colored crust: The fluid from the skin lesions hardens into a distinctive yellow crust, a hallmark feature in chronic skin conditions like impetigo or severe eczema.
  • Suppressed eruption causes brain disease: If the skin condition is suppressed, it may lead to serious internal disorders, especially involving the brain, reflecting the deep connection between skin eruptions and nervous system disturbances in Cicuta virosa.
  • Elevated eruptions, as large as peas: The skin shows raised, firm lesions that can be quite large, emphasizing the intense inflammatory and abnormal nature of these eruptions.
  • Chronic impetigo: Repeated outbreaks of impetigo, a bacterial skin infection, leading to the formation of pustules and scabs that heal slowly, often leaving behind hard crusts.


  • Worsened By: Touch, drafts, concussion, or tobacco smoke.
  • Improved By: There are few relieving factors, as symptoms often persist intensely until resolved.


  • Opium: Acts as an antidote to Cicuta Virosa by countering the convulsive symptoms and nervous system overstimulation.
  • Arnica (Arn.): Useful in mitigating the effects of trauma and shock to the nervous system, which can overlap with the symptoms of Cicuta Virosa, particularly in cases of convulsions or spasms due to injuries.
  • Cicuta Maculata (Water Hemlock): Exhibits very similar effects to Cicuta Virosa, especially regarding unconsciousness and convulsions.
  • This remedy is also used for tetanic or clonic convulsions, where the body is often covered in sweat.
  • It is a key consideration in epilepsy and tetanus.
  • Hydrocyanic Acid (Hydrocy acid): Another remedy for convulsive conditions, with similar neurological involvement, particularly in acute cases of spasms, breathlessness, and cyanosis (blue skin due to lack of oxygen).
  • Conium (Con.): Similar in its action on the nervous system, especially for spasmodic affections and vertigo.
  • Like Cicuta, it has a strong affinity for the nervous system and convulsions.
  • Oenanthe (Oenanth): This remedy, derived from water dropwort, also has convulsive and epileptic indications, particularly in cases with sudden unconsciousness and spasms.
  • It is often used in cases resembling epileptic fits or tetanic spasms.
  • Strychnia (Strychnine): Known for its use in spastic conditions, particularly those involving violent muscular contractions.
  • It is compared with Cicuta in terms of its action on the muscles and nervous system, especially in spasms and tetanus.
  • Belladonna (Bellad.): This remedy is used for convulsive disorders, particularly those with violent nervous symptoms, including delirium, spasms, and intense sensitivity to stimuli.
  • It shares the acute neurological impact seen in Cicuta Virosa.


  • Typically prescribed in potencies ranging from the 6th to 200th attenuation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What conditions can Cicuta Virosa treat?

  • Cicuta Virosa is used for convulsions, tetanus, and violent spasmodic conditions.

What is the dosage for Cicuta Virosa?

  • The remedy is usually administered in the 6th to 200th potencies, depending on the severity of symptoms.

Is Cicuta Virosa safe for all patients?

  • This remedy is potent and should be used under the guidance of a trained homeopath, particularly for those with severe nervous system disorders.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Spasm: A sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
  • Convulsion: A sudden, violent, irregular movement of the body caused by involuntary contraction of muscles.
  • Delirium: A disturbed state of mind, characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence.
  • Strabismus: A condition in which the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object.
  • Epilepsy: A neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures.
  • Eczema: A medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed.

Cicuta Virosa is a powerful remedy suited for severe convulsive conditions and should be used carefully due to its intense effects on the nervous system.

If you need more details or have additional questions, feel free to ask!