Dulcamara, commonly known as bitter-sweet, is a significant homeopathic remedy derived from the Solanum dulcamara plant.

This remedy is particularly noted for its efficacy in treating conditions exacerbated by damp, cold weather, especially during the transitional phase between summer and autumn.

It is characterized by its wide-ranging impact on various bodily systems, especially the skin, glands, and digestive organs.

Dulcamara is frequently indicated in cases of rheumatism, respiratory issues, and digestive disturbances associated with sudden changes in weather.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Angiosperms
  • Class: Eudicots
  • Order: Solanales
  • Family: Solanaceae
  • Genus: Solanum
  • Species: S. dulcamara
  • Dulcamara is native to Europe, particularly found in moist, shaded areas and often grows in wetlands.
  • Its climbing habit allows it to spread rapidly in suitable conditions.
Historical Facts
  • Historically, Dulcamara has been used in folk medicine for various ailments, especially skin diseases and respiratory issues.
  • Its use in homeopathy began in the late 18th century and was formalized by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, who noted its benefits in treating ailments related to damp environments.


  • Dulcamara’s pathogenesis primarily revolves around its effects on the mucous membranes, skin, and musculoskeletal system.
  • It has a specific affinity for conditions triggered by damp, cold weather, and it often induces symptoms that resemble those of exposure to cold and wetness.
  • The key symptoms include profuse secretions from mucous membranes, skin eruptions, and rheumatic pains.


  • Patients requiring Dulcamara often exhibit a physical constitution that is sensitive to changes in temperature and weather.
  • They may be generally weak, with a tendency toward coldness, particularly in the extremities, and are likely to feel worse in damp or wet conditions.


  • Dulcamara is particularly indicated in individuals with a rheumatic diathesis, characterized by a tendency to develop joint pain and other symptoms after exposure to cold and damp environments.


  • Patients who may benefit from Dulcamara often display a melancholic or phlegmatic temperament, marked by a tendency to withdraw in cold, damp conditions, both physically and emotionally.


  • Dulcamara patients typically feel chilly and may experience significant discomfort in cold weather.
  • They often seek warmth and may feel worse during damp and rainy conditions.


  • Dulcamara is associated with the psoric miasm, which relates to chronic, non-specific illnesses often exacerbated by environmental factors, particularly cold and dampness.


  • Weather Sensitivity: Symptoms worsen in damp, cold weather and improve with warmth and movement.
  • Skin Affinity: Strongly affects the skin, leading to eruptions, pruritus, and sensitivity.
  • Glandular Involvement: Has significant effects on the lymphatic and glandular systems.
  • Digestive Issues: Associated with diarrhea, particularly after exposure to cold, and specific changes in stool.


Mental Confusion
  • Characteristics: Individuals may frequently experience mental fog or confusion, particularly during abrupt weather changes.
  • This mental sluggishness can lead to difficulties in concentrating, making decisions, or processing information.
  • Tasks that require clear thinking may become overwhelming, and they might feel mentally drained or disoriented.
  • Impact on Daily Life: This confusion can interfere with daily activities, leading to feelings of frustration or inadequacy.
  • Tasks that were once straightforward may now seem daunting, creating a sense of helplessness.
  • Emotional State: There can be a marked lethargy or lack of motivation that accompanies their mental state.
  • Individuals might feel physically drained, which can contribute to their overall sluggishness.
  • They may prefer to stay indoors or avoid social interactions, especially in cold and damp conditions.
  • Behavioral Patterns: This sluggishness often results in decreased productivity and a tendency to procrastinate.
  • They may find it challenging to initiate or complete tasks, leading to further feelings of guilt or inadequacy.
  • Emotional Sensitivity: Individuals may exhibit heightened irritability, particularly when they are unwell.
  • This irritability can manifest as a short temper or an increased sensitivity to minor annoyances.
  • Cold, damp weather can exacerbate these feelings, making them more prone to outbursts or mood swings.
  • Interpersonal Relationships: Their irritability may strain relationships with family and friends, as they may lash out or withdraw emotionally, causing frustration for those around them.
  • The people in their lives might struggle to understand their behavior, leading to feelings of isolation.
  • Underlying Fear: Patients may also experience anxiety, particularly in response to changes in their environment or weather.
  • They might feel a sense of dread when faced with cold, damp conditions, which can trigger physical symptoms or exacerbate existing health issues.
  • Physical Symptoms: This anxiety can manifest physically, leading to symptoms such as palpitations, a racing heart, or gastrointestinal disturbances.
  • They may feel restless, unable to settle down, or find peace in their surroundings.
Mood Fluctuations
  • Cycling Emotions: Individuals may experience fluctuations in their mood, shifting from feelings of depression and lethargy to irritability and anxiety.
  • These changes may correlate with weather patterns, leading to a cycle of discomfort that reinforces their negative emotional states.
  • Coping Mechanisms: As a coping mechanism, they may resort to avoidance behaviors, isolating themselves to escape the discomfort of their emotional and physical symptoms.
  • This can further entrench their mental health issues, making it challenging for them to seek help or support.
Sensitivity to Weather
  • Psychosomatic Responses: Their emotional well-being may be closely tied to environmental factors, leading to psychosomatic symptoms.
  • Cold and damp weather can worsen both physical and emotional symptoms, reinforcing a negative feedback loop where discomfort breeds anxiety and confusion.
  • Need for Warmth: A strong desire for warmth and comfort may manifest in their behavior, with individuals seeking out cozy environments or warm clothing as a means of self-soothing.



  • Headache: Occipital pain (pain located at the back of the head) may ascend from the neck and is often relieved by conversation or mental engagement.
  • Patients may report a heavy or aching sensation that improves with distraction.
  • Scalp Issues: Conditions like ringworm and scaldhead may arise, characterized by thick, crusty lesions on the scalp that can be itchy and painful.


  • Coryza: Patients may suffer from dry coryza (nasal inflammation) or complete nasal blockage, often producing thick, yellow discharge.
  • Symptoms worsen in cold, damp weather, leading to discomfort and difficulty breathing through the nose.


  • Discharge: A thick, yellow discharge may be present from the eyes, particularly during episodes of cold exposure.
  • This can lead to crusting and irritation of the eyelids, worsening the patient’s discomfort.


  • Earache: Patients may experience earaches accompanied by buzzing sensations.
  • There may also be swelling of the nearby glands, indicating a possible infectious or inflammatory process.


  • Tearing Pain: Patients may report tearing pain in the cheeks that can extend to the jaw and orbit (the bony cavity containing the eye).
  • This pain is often preceded by a sensation of coldness in the affected areas.


  • Salivation: The saliva may be tenacious and soapy in texture, leading to discomfort.
  • Patients often have a dry, rough tongue and may experience difficulty swallowing due to this condition.


  • Vomiting: Vomiting may occur with the expulsion of white, tenacious mucus.
  • Patients typically exhibit an aversion to food, coupled with a burning thirst for cold drinks to alleviate discomfort.


  • Colic: Patients may experience colicky pain concentrated around the navel, which is often triggered by cold exposure.
  • This pain can be sharp and crampy, leading to significant discomfort.


  • Characteristics: The stool may be green, watery, and slimy, particularly after exposure to cold.
  • This can indicate a digestive disturbance and is often accompanied by urgency.


  • Symptoms: Patients may feel an increased urgency to urinate when chilled, experiencing painful micturition (urination).
  • The discomfort may be exacerbated by the cold, leading to reluctance to void.


  • Menstrual Issues: Women may experience suppression of menstruation due to exposure to cold or damp conditions.
  • This can be accompanied by skin rashes, indicating a systemic response to the cold.


  • Symptoms: Patients may exhibit dry, burning heat throughout the body, often with chills, particularly in the evening.
  • This fever can indicate an underlying inflammatory process or infection.



  • Characteristics: The cough is notably worse in cold and wet weather, often accompanied by free expectoration (the act of coughing up mucus).
  • Description: Patients may experience a tickling sensation in the larynx that prompts coughing. The cough can be hoarse and spasmodic, indicating a potential irritative process in the throat.
  • Whooping-Cough: Dulcamara is indicated for whooping cough, particularly when there is excessive mucus production.
  • Winter Cough: It is effective for dry, teasing coughs that occur during the winter months.
  • Asthma: Patients may also present with asthma accompanied by dyspnea (difficulty breathing).
  • Phlegm: The cough can be loose and rattling, often requiring the patient to cough multiple times to expel phlegm. Physical exertion can trigger coughing episodes.


  • Stiff Neck: Patients often report stiffness in the neck, especially after exposure to cold and wet conditions.
  • Lower Back Pain: Pain in the small of the back can feel as if it follows prolonged stooping or bending.
  • General Stiffness: There may be a general stiffness and lameness across the neck and shoulders, particularly after getting cold and wet.


  • Paralysis: Some patients may experience paralysis of the limbs, often accompanied by icy coldness in the feet.
  • Warts: Warts may appear on the hands, which can be a common symptom.
  • Perspiration: Patients might notice excessive perspiration on the palms of their hands.
  • Shin Pain: Pain in the shin bones is another symptom that can manifest.
  • Rheumatism: Rheumatic symptoms may alternate with episodes of diarrhea, indicating a relationship between the two conditions.
  • Post-Eruption Symptoms: Rheumatic symptoms can also develop after acute skin eruptions.


  • Adenitis: Inflammation of the lymph nodes may occur, often due to exposure to cold.
  • Pruritus: Patients frequently experience itching (pruritus) that worsens in cold, wet weather.
  • Herpes Zoster & Pemphigus: Conditions like herpes zoster (shingles) and pemphigus (a group of autoimmune blistering diseases) can manifest.
  • Gland Swelling: Swelling and hardening of the glands may result from exposure to cold.
  • Vesicular Eruptions: Patients may develop vesicular (blister-like) eruptions on the skin.
  • Sensitive Ulcers: There may be sensitive bleeding ulcers on the skin, which can be painful.
  • Boils & Red Spots: Little boils and red spots (urticaria) may develop, particularly following exposure or due to sour stomach.
  • Humid Eruptions: Humid eruptions can occur on various body parts, including the face, genitals, and hands.
  • Warts: Large, smooth warts may be present on the face and palms of the hands.
  • Anasarca: Generalized edema (anasarca) can occur, characterized by widespread swelling.
  • Crusts: Thick, brown-yellow crusts may form on the skin, which can bleed when scratched.


  • Worse: At night, from cold, damp weather.
  • Better: With movement and external warmth.




  • Camphor is used as an antidote to Dulcamara when symptoms are aggravated or when there is an excessive reaction to Dulcamara.
  • It can help alleviate the mental confusion and sluggishness caused by Dulcamara, especially in cases where there is a significant disturbance of the vital force.

COPPER (Cuprum)

  • Copper can serve as another antidote, particularly when there is an intensification of symptoms like spasms or excessive secretions that arise from using Dulcamara.
  • If a patient experiences increased irritability or nervous tension, Cuprum may provide relief.
Complementary Remedy


  • Baryta carb complements Dulcamara well, particularly in cases where there is a mix of mental confusion and sluggishness.
  • Both remedies can support patients who have a combination of symptoms affecting their cognitive and physical health.
  • Baryta carb may be particularly beneficial for individuals who are elderly or have developmental delays, addressing the underlying weakness while working alongside Dulcamara’s effects.
Incompatible Remedies


  • Dulcamara and Belladonna are considered incompatible.
  • Using them together may lead to contradictory effects, as Belladonna tends to provoke hyperactivity and excitement, while Dulcamara promotes sluggishness and confusion.
  • Co-administration can create confusion in the treatment outcomes.


  • Similar to Belladonna, Lachesis may also have antagonistic effects when combined with Dulcamara.
  • The stimulating nature of Lachesis can counteract the calming effects of Dulcamara, leading to a lack of therapeutic benefit and possibly exacerbating symptoms.
Comparison with Other Remedies

PIMPINELLA (Bibernell)

  • Pimpinella shares similarities with Dulcamara, particularly in terms of affecting the respiratory mucous membranes.
  • Patients sensitive to draughts and experiencing pain and coldness in the occiput and nape may benefit from this comparison.
  • Both remedies address weakness and heaviness in the head, as well as drowsiness, but may cater to slightly different presentations.


  • Rhus may be useful in cases where there is stiffness and lameness, similar to some symptoms presented by Dulcamara.
  • Rhus helps with musculoskeletal discomfort and can work well alongside Dulcamara, especially when symptoms are triggered by dampness or cold conditions.


  • Cimicifuga is useful for cases of mental and physical restlessness and can be compared with Dulcamara in patients experiencing coldness and pain.
  • This remedy is particularly valuable in addressing menstrual issues that may accompany the symptoms treated by Dulcamara.


  • Calcarea carbonica and Dulcamara can complement each other when addressing conditions of sluggishness and mental fog.
  • Calcarea carb focuses on strengthening the constitution and may be used in tandem with Dulcamara for comprehensive care.


  • Pulsatilla, with its own set of symptoms related to weather changes, may serve as a useful comparison.
  • Patients requiring Pulsatilla often experience emotional symptoms in conjunction with physical ones, and both remedies can address complaints related to dampness and cold.


  • Bryonia and Dulcamara can be used for patients suffering from respiratory issues worsened by cold weather.
  • Bryonia tends to focus on dryness and irritation, making it a contrasting but complementary option for patients with humid, congestive symptoms treated by Dulcamara.


  • Natrium sulphuricum is particularly relevant for patients who have complaints related to dampness and cold, making it comparable to Dulcamara.
  • It addresses fluid balance and can assist patients experiencing symptoms linked to the respiratory and digestive systems.


Dulcamara can be administered in potencies ranging from the second to thirtieth potency, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the individual’s constitution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What conditions does Dulcamara treat?

  • Dulcamara is primarily used for conditions aggravated by damp and cold weather, including respiratory ailments, skin eruptions, and rheumatic pains.

How should Dulcamara be taken?

  • It is usually taken in the form of pellets or liquid dilutions, with the specific potency and frequency depending on the individual’s symptoms.

Are there any side effects?

  • When used correctly in homeopathic doses, side effects are minimal. However, symptoms may temporarily worsen before improving (known as a homeopathic aggravation).

Can Dulcamara be used for children?

  • Yes, Dulcamara can be safely used for children, but it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate dosing.

Is there any interaction with other medications?

  • Dulcamara should be used with caution alongside other medications, particularly those that are symptomatic treatments.
  • Always consult a healthcare provider before combining remedies.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Catarrh: Inflammation of a mucous membrane, often leading to increased mucus production.
  • Coryza: An inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.
  • Diathesis: A predisposition to certain health conditions based on an individual’s constitution.
  • Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation.
  • Ischuria: Difficulty or inability to urinate.
  • Micturition: The act of urinating.
  • Pruritus: Itching or an uncomfortable sensation on the skin.
  • Tenacious: Tending to adhere or cling; persistent.
  • Vesicular: Relating to small fluid-filled blisters or sacs.

This comprehensive overview should provide a thorough understanding of Dulcamara, its indications, and its therapeutic properties.