Sabadilla, derived from Asagraea officinalis, is a homeopathic remedy primarily used for treating hay fever, respiratory conditions, and nervous disorders.

Known for its action on the mucous membranes of the nose and tear ducts, it addresses symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal congestion.

Sabadilla is also effective for mental confusion, delusions, gastrointestinal issues, and cold sensitivity.



Scientific Classification
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Order: Liliales
  • Family: Melanthiaceae
  • Genus: Asagræa
  • Species: A. officinalis
Origin and Historical Facts
  • Sabadilla is native to Central and South America, where it was historically used for its potent effects as an emetic and vermifuge.
  • The seeds of Asagraea officinalis were utilized by indigenous peoples for centuries to expel parasites and treat convulsive conditions.
  • Its introduction into homeopathy occurred through the meticulous observations of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, who noted its remarkable ability to address ailments related to the respiratory tract, mental clarity, and cold sensitivity.


  • Sabadilla acts on the mucous membranes, especially of the respiratory tract, producing coryza-like symptoms, making it useful in conditions like hay fever and allergies.
  • It also acts on the nervous system, leading to delusions, timidity, and hypersensitivity to cold and odours.
  • The remedy is indicated for individuals with excessive coldness, both mentally and physically.


  • Constitution: Sabadilla suits individuals who are hypersensitive to cold and susceptible to frequent colds, respiratory issues, and digestive disturbances.
  • They are often thin, nervous, and chilly by nature.
  • Diathesis: People who are prone to chronic coryza, allergies, and parasitic infestations are most responsive to this remedy.


  • Mental Temperament: Nervous, timid, and easily startled, often with delusions about their health.
  • They may think they are sicker than they are or that certain body parts have shrunk.
  • Physical Temperament: Hypersensitive to cold, with a tendency to feel chilly, especially in the hands and feet.


  • Hypersensitivity to cold and odors.
  • Delusions and mental confusion about one’s health.
  • Nasal symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes.
  • Digestive discomfort, particularly in children with frequent colic and diarrhea.
  • Convulsive symptoms associated with parasites.


Nervous and Timid Disposition

  • Individuals requiring Sabadilla often exhibit a nervous, timid, and fearful personality.
  • They are easily agitated by their surroundings and often have exaggerated responses to minor stimuli.
  • They may feel a constant sense of unease, always expecting something bad to happen.

Easily Startled

  • The person is highly sensitive to unexpected noises or movements.
  • They are prone to being easily startled by sudden changes in their environment, reflecting a heightened state of alertness and insecurity.

Erroneous Notions About Health

  • One of the hallmark mental symptoms of Sabadilla is the development of delusional thoughts regarding their health.
  • They may imagine being severely ill even when no objective symptoms support this belief.
  • This condition is marked by an irrational fear of disease, often related to specific illnesses or physical abnormalities.

Delusion of Being Very Sick

  • The person strongly believes that they are seriously ill, even though there may be no evidence or diagnosis to confirm this.
  • This irrational belief can dominate their thoughts, causing them to behave as though they are incapacitated or need special attention due to their supposed illness.

Delusion of Body Parts Being Shrunken

  • Another peculiar symptom is the idea that certain parts of the body have shrunk or diminished in size.
  • This could refer to various parts of the body, such as limbs or internal organs, creating a sense of physical distortion or abnormality.
  • This delusion further amplifies the individual’s anxiety and fear about their health and appearance.

Delusion of Pregnancy (in Women)

  • In some cases, especially in women, there is a strong delusional belief of being pregnant, even when there is no medical evidence to suggest so.
  • This may reflect a subconscious fear or desire around the concept of fertility, motherhood, or body changes.

Delusion of Having Cancer

  • Another intense fear manifests in the irrational belief that the person is suffering from cancer or some other serious illness.
  • This delusion can lead to profound anxiety and preoccupation with the idea of dying or facing severe consequences from an incurable disease.

Delirium During Intermittent Fevers

  • During episodes of intermittent fevers, the individual may experience bouts of delirium.
  • This delirium is often marked by confusion, hallucinations, and an inability to think rationally.
  • It typically exacerbates the previously mentioned delusions, making the person feel even more convinced about their false health beliefs.




  • The person experiences a spinning sensation, as if everything is turning around them.
  • This is often accompanied by blackouts or a sense of impending fainting, making them feel disoriented.

Blackness Before Eyes

  • Along with vertigo, there is a momentary loss of vision, where everything goes dark before their eyes.

Dullness and Oppression:

  • There is a general sense of heaviness and mental dullness, where the person feels mentally oppressed or sluggish.

Over-Sensitivity to Odors

  • Strong sensitivity to smells, where odours cause discomfort or aggravate headaches.

Headache from Thinking

  • Mental activity, such as intense thinking, causes a headache and can lead to sleeplessness due to over-exertion.

Eyelid Inflammation

  • The eyelids become red and burning, contributing to discomfort and irritation.

Lachrymation (Tearing)

  • There is excessive tearing of the eyes, often connected to nasal or sinus issues.

Difficulty Hearing

  • The person may have issues with hearing, often due to congestion or inflammation.


  • Spasmodic Sneezing: Sudden, uncontrollable sneezing fits, which are violent and recurrent.
  • Running Nose: Profuse nasal discharge, with copious watery fluid coming out of the nose.
  • Coryza: Severe nasal congestion with frontal headaches, red eyes, and tearing (lachrymation).
  • Watery Nasal Discharge: The nasal discharge is typically clear and watery, often related to hay-fever-like symptoms.


  • Sore Throat: Sore throat that starts on the left side, often resembling the symptoms of Lachesis.
  • Tough Phlegm: There is thick mucus in the throat that is difficult to expel, leading to frequent swallowing.
  • Sensation of Loose Skin in Throat: A peculiar feeling that there is a piece of skin hanging loosely in the throat, which compels the person to swallow repeatedly.
  • Relief from Warm Food and Drink: Warm drinks soothe the throat, reducing the pain and discomfort.
  • Empty Swallowing is Painful: Swallowing when the throat is empty causes significant pain, especially without the presence of food or drink.
  • Chronic Sore Throat: Persistent sore throat, which is aggravated by cold air and can be long-lasting.
  • Tongue Sensation as if Burnt: The tongue feels as if it has been burned, causing discomfort and sensitivity.


  • Spasmodic Stomach Pain: Sharp, spasmodic pain in the stomach, often accompanied by a dry cough and difficulty breathing.
  • No Thirst: Despite the discomfort, the person may have no desire to drink.
  • Loathing for Strong Food: There is an aversion to strong or rich foods, and the person may prefer bland diets.
  • Desire for Sweets: The person has a craving for sweets and starchy foods (like bread and pasta).
  • Heartburn (Pyrosis): Burning sensation in the stomach, often accompanied by excessive salivation.
  • Cold, Empty Feeling in Stomach: The stomach feels cold and empty, despite possibly eating regularly.
  • Preference for Hot Things: The person may desire hot food or drinks to counter the cold sensation in the stomach.
  • Sweetish Taste: A sweet taste in the mouth, which may accompany other digestive symptoms.


  • Delayed Menses: The menstrual cycle is delayed, and the flow comes in intermittent bursts rather than a regular flow.
  • Intermittent Menstruation: The menstrual flow is irregular, often alternating between times of heavy flow and light spotting.


  • Chill Predominates: The person feels chilled, with the sensation starting from the lower parts of the body and moving upwards.
  • Cold Hands and Feet: The hands and feet are icy cold, while the face and head may feel warm.
  • Thirstless: Despite having a fever, the person generally lacks the desire to drink.
  • Lachrymation During Fever: Tearing of the eyes occurs during the fever’s paroxysms, adding to the discomfort.


  • Cracking Skin Under Toes: The skin beneath the toes becomes dry and may crack, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Inflammation Under Toenails: There may be inflammation around the toenails, causing pain and sensitivity.


  • Dry, Parchment-Like Skin: The skin is dry, rough, and may feel like parchment, often associated with itching and irritation.
  • Horny, Deformed Nails: The nails may become thickened, deformed, and horny in texture, leading to discomfort.
  • Creeping, Crawling Sensation: A sensation of creeping or crawling under the skin, often causing irritation and restlessness.
  • Itching in Anus: There may be itching around the anus, which can be particularly bothersome.


  • Worse: Cold and cold drinks, during the full moon, exposure to cold air, and intermittent fever.
  • Better: Warm food and drink, staying wrapped up, and avoiding cold drafts.


Complementary Remedies

SEPIA: Works in tandem with Sabadilla, enhancing its effect when certain key symptoms overlap, particularly in hormonal and emotional imbalances.

Comparative Remedies


  • Derived from Sabadilla, not Veratrum.
  • It is primarily used for local neuralgias (nerve pain) and the treatment of dropsy (fluid retention).
  • A specific application involves mixing 5 grains of Veratrina with 2 drams of lanolin and rubbing it on the inside of the thighs to induce diuresis (increased urination) and alleviate dropsy.

COLCHICUM (Colch): Often used for gout and rheumatic conditions, making it comparable to Sabadilla in cases of neuralgia or joint pain.

NUX VOMICA (Nux): Known for its digestive issues, irritability, and sensitivity to stimuli, similar to Sabadilla’s mind and stomach symptoms.

ARUNDO: Primarily used for nasal symptoms, especially sneezing and itching related to hay fever, much like Sabadilla.

POLLATIN: Another remedy associated with seasonal allergies and hay fever, often compared for its desensitizing effects on the immune system.

PHLEUM PRATENSE (Timothy): Specifically indicated for hay fever cases, often given in potentized form (12th potency) to desensitize individuals to allergens like Timothy grass pollen, much like Sabadilla in its treatment of hay-fever-like symptoms.

CUMARINUM: A remedy used for hay fever as well, offering another comparison point for its effects on allergic reactions.


PULSATILLA (Puls): Can counteract the effects of Sabadilla if they become overwhelming or if it is not well-tolerated. Pulsatilla is especially useful for emotional and hormonal imbalances.

LYCOPODIUM (Lycop): Often prescribed when Sabadilla causes excessive mental strain, digestive issues, or irritability. It also covers some of the gastrointestinal symptoms present in Sabadilla cases.

CONIUM: Antidotes Sabadilla’s side effects, particularly in cases of nervousness and weakness.

LACHESIS (Lach): Used to counteract Sabadilla’s effects, especially if it triggers excessive throat symptoms, circulatory problems, or mental confusion.


  • Prescribed in potencies ranging from 3rd to 30th.
  • The exact potency depends on the severity of the symptoms and the patient’s constitution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sabadilla used for in homeopathy?

  • Sabadilla is primarily used to treat hay fever, coryza, and respiratory issues, especially with sneezing, watery eyes, and nasal discharge.
  • It also addresses digestive issues like colic and parasitic infections.

Who can benefit from Sabadilla?

  • Sabadilla is suited for individuals who are hypersensitive to cold, prone to frequent colds, respiratory allergies, and those with nervous temperaments.

What potency of Sabadilla should I take?

  • It is generally prescribed in potencies from the 3rd to 30th.
  • A homeopathic practitioner should determine the best potency based on your symptoms.

Glossary of Difficult Words

  • Coryza: Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose, often due to a cold or allergy.
  • Ascarides: A type of intestinal parasite, commonly known as roundworms.
  • Lachrymation: Excessive tear production.
  • Pyrosis: Heartburn.
  • Farinaceous: Referring to foods made from flour or meal, especially starchy foods like bread or pasta.
  • Diuresis: Increased production of urine.