This post contains syllabus of 1st BHMS Human Anatomy syllabus along with their most Important and frequently asked Exam questions from different Indian universities.

Read the whole 1st BHMS syllabus.

This post is prepared for the benefit of the Medical students who are going to appear in the university examinations.

The Paper 1 and Paper 2 divisions are prepared on the basis of syllabus of B.H.M.S. (Degree course) applicable from the academic session 2015-2016, as per the guidelines of Central council of Homoeopathy.

All the questions are given under their related chapters.

  • FQ: Full Question
  • SFQ: Semi Full Question
  • SN: Short Note

The written papers in anatomy shall be in two papers.

Paper 1: Upper Limb, Head, Neck, Face, Brain, Embryology.

Paper 2: Lower Limb, Pelvis, Abdomen, Thorax, Histology.

Read the whole Exam pattern of BHMS.



  1. FQ: Axilla
  2. FQ: Breast
  3. FQ: Shoulder joint
  4. SFQ: Anastomosis around scapula
  5. SFQ: Brachial plexus
  6. SFQ: Cubital fossa with its applied anatomy
  7. SFQ: Deltoid muscle
  8. SFQ: Flexor Retinaculum
  9. SFQ: Ulnar Artery
  10. SN: Axillary artery
  11. SN: Biceps brachi
  12. SN: Brachial artery
  13. SN: Carpal tunnel syndrome
  14. SN: Elbow joint
  15. SN: Extensor Retinaculum
  16. SN: Flexor digitorum profundus
  17. SN: Flexor Muscles of Forearm
  18. SN: Intrinsic muscles of hand
  19. SN: Klumpke’s paralysis
  20. SN: Median nerve of forearm
  21. SN: Nail
  22. SN: Palmar aponeurosis
  23. SN: Pectoralis major
  24. SN: Radial artery
  25. SN: Serratus muscle
  26. SN: Superficial palmar arch
  27. SN: Thenar Eminence
  28. SN: Trapezius muscle
  29. SN: Wrist drop


  1. FQ/SN: Scalp
  2. FQ: Lacrimal apparatus
  3. FQ: Lateral wall of nose
  4. FQ: Middle ear with applied anatomy
  5. FQ: Nasal part of pharynx
  6. FQ: Oropharynx
  7. FQ: Paranasal sinuses
  8. FQ: Salivary glands and parotid gland in detail
  9. FQ: Tongue
  10. SN: Auditory tube
  11. SN: Extraocular muscles of eyeball
  12. SN: Infratemporal fossa
  13. SN: Lachrymal gland
  14. SN: Movement of temporomandibular joint
  15. SN: Muscles of mastication
  16. SN: Nasal septum
  17. SN: Parotid duct
  18. SN: Retina
  19. SN: Soft palate
  20. SN: Sub-mandibular salivary glands
  21. SN: Teeth
  22. SN: Thyroid gland
  23. SN: Tympanic membrane


  1. FQ: Cervical fascia
  2. FQ: Posterior triangle of neck
  3. FQ: Thyroid gland
  4. SN: Anterior triangle of neck
  5. SN: Cartilages of larynx
  6. SN: Deep cervical lymph nodes
  7. SN: External carotid artery
  8. SN: Sternocleidomastoid muscle


  1. FQ: Anatomy of face
  2. FQ: Facial nerve
  3. FQ: Muscle of eyeball
  4. SN: Bell’s palsy
  5. SN: Danger area of face
  6. SN: External ear
  7. SN: Facial artery
  8. SN: Veins of face


  1. FQ: Blood supply of brain/ circle of Willis
  2. FQ: Brainstem
  3. FQ: Cerebellum
  4. FQ: Cerebral cortex
  5. FQ: Cerebrum
  6. FQ: Corpus callosum
  7. FQ: Hypothalamus
  8. FQ: Lateral ventricle
  9. FQ: Spinal cord
  10. FQ: Sulci and gyri/ superficial surface of cerebral hemisphere
  11. FQ: Third ventricle of brain
  12. FQ: Various sinuses of brain with cavernous sinus
  13. FQ: White fibers of cerebral hemisphere with corpus callosum
  14. SFQ: Forth ventricle
  15. SFQ: Neuron
  16. SN: Accessory nerve
  17. SN: Basal nuclei
  18. SN: Cranial nerves
  19. SN: CSF (Cerebro spinal fluid)
  20. SN: Falx cerebri
  21. SN: Fornix
  22. SN: Mid brain
  23. SN: Oculomotor nerve
  24. SN: Optic nerve
  25. SN: Pons
  26. SN: Substantia nigra
  27. SN: Tactile sensation
  28. SN: Tentorium cerebelli
  29. SN: Thalamus
  30. SN: Trigeminal nerve


  1. FQ: Formation of placenta
  2. FQ: Layers of embryonic disc
  3. SN: Development of kidney
  4. SN: Development of oesophagus
  5. SN: Division of mesodermal layers
  6. SN: Ectoderm
  7. SN: Formation of cartilage
  8. SN: Notochord
  9. SN: Ovum



  1. FQ/SN: Gluteus maximus muscle
  2. FQ: Adductor canal/Hunter’s canal
  3. FQ: Arches of foot
  4. FQ: Femoral artery
  5. FQ: Femoral triangle
  6. FQ: Hip joint
  7. FQ: Knee joint
  8. FQ: Popliteal fossa
  9. SFQ: Femoral canal
  10. SN: Adductor magnus
  11. SN: Ankle joint
  12. SN: Common peroneal nerve
  13. SN: Femoral nerve
  14. SN: Femoral sheath
  15. SN: Gastrocnemius muscle
  16. SN: Great saphenous vein
  17. SN: Hamstring muscles
  18. SN: Inguinal ligament
  19. SN: Menisci of knee
  20. SN: Obturator nerve
  21. SN: Popliteal artery
  22. SN: Saphenous opening
  23. SN: Sartorius muscle
  24. SN: Sciatic nerve
  25. SN: Soleus muscle
  26. SN: Subsartorial canal
  27. SN: Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
  28. SN: Tendo achilis


  1. FQ: Anal canal
  2. FQ: Male urethra
  3. FQ: Rectum
  4. FQ: Uterus and its supports in detail.
  5. SFQ: Testes
  6. SN: Content of pelvis
  7. SN: Fallopian tubes/ Uterine tubes
  8. SN: Ischio-rectal fossa
  9. SN: Ovary
  10. SN: Perineum
  11. SN: Prostate gland
  12. SN: Spermatic cord
  13. SN: Undescended testes
  14. SN: Vagina


  1. FQ: Abdominal diaphragm
  2. FQ: Duodenum
  3. FQ: Kidney
  4. FQ: Liver
  5. FQ: Pancreas
  6. FQ: Stomach
  7. FQ: Urinary bladder
  8. SN: Abdominal aorta
  9. SN: Appendix
  10. SN: Bile duct
  11. SN: Caecum
  12. SN: Coeliac trunk
  13. SN: Ductus deferens
  14. SN: Gall bladder
  15. SN: Inferior surface of liver
  16. SN: Inguinal canal
  17. SN: Inguinal ligament
  18. SN: Oesophagus
  19. SN: Peritoneum
  20. SN: Phrenic nerve
  21. SN: Porta hepatis
  22. SN: Rectus sheath
  23. SN: Spleen


  1. FQ: Arch of aorta
  2. FQ: Left ventricle
  3. FQ: Lungs
  4. FQ: Lungs with pulmonary segments
  5. FQ: Pleura
  6. FQ: Right chambers of heart
  7. FQ: Thoracic disc
  8. SFQ: Intercostal nerve
  9. SFQ: Mediastinum
  10. SN: Atrium
  11. SN: Azygos vein
  12. SN: Coronary artery
  13. SN: Descending thoracic aorta
  14. SN: Ductus arteriosus
  15. SN: Left brachiocephalic vein
  16. SN: Mitral valve
  17. SN: Pericardium
  18. SN: Posterior mediastinum
  19. SN: Superior mediastinum
  20. SN: Superior vena cava
  21. SN: Trachea
  22. SN: Typical intercostal space


  1. SN: Artery
  2. SN: Bone
  3. SN: Histology
  4. SN: Kidney
  5. SN: Large intestine
  6. SN: Liver
  7. SN: Pancreas
  8. SN: Stomach
  9. SN: Traches
  10. SN: Vein

If you are a student, then I am pretty sure that you have been wondering that which book should be followed in order to pass the university examination?

I did feel the same when I was a student just few years back.

Let me suggest to help you,

  • Human Anatomy By B D Chaurasia’s 7th Edition (Set Of 4 Books) Vol-1,2,3&4 (To study thoroughly).

  • Human Anatomy For Students (For study and exam preparation both)
  • Handbook of Anatomy For Exam Preparation

Hope that you find this post helpful like others.

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